In loving memory

09 FEB, 2023 VET TIMES | by Allister Webb
Fears for Afghan veterinary evacuees as campaigners reveal cash running out
Dozens of people initially supported by the Operation Magic Carpet (OMC) initiative remain stuck in limbo in Pakistan more than a year after their evacuation.UK veterinary groups have also urged the Government to intervene in their case, to no avail.
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14 Nov, 2022 VET TIMES | by Allister Webb
11 mins to read
Charity in Magic Carpet vow amid funding crisis
A charity helping a group of Afghan veterinary professionals evacuated following the Taliban takeover says it may have to close its animal shelter to keep supporting them.
One member of the group moved through the Operation Magic Carpet (OMC) initiative last year said he and his compatriots have been “forgotten” by the UK Government, despite industry bodies’ pleas for action
Read the full article:
17 Nov, 2022 Meredith at Paws Unite People is now in financial crisis. She’s in the position of having to decide whether to shut her animal shelter to save human lives, or stop her support for human lives in order to save her shelter.
Just prior to the deadline of 15 Nov an interim Veterans day fundraiser by Paws Unite People raised $10k but it's nowhere near enough to cover the costs of the UK NGO Mayhew group’s rent until 15 Dec. It also isn’t anywhere near enough for the monthly costs for Paws Unite People’s own animal shelter or to fund the KSAR veterinary group in Pakistan that PUP have already been committed to supporting since last year.
More recent UK articles on the Mayhew Magic Carpet group since the previous website update are below:
– 14 Nov, VET TIMES |
– 02 Nov, This Is Local London |
–16 Oct, Politics Home |
At least $170,000k is still required to complete The Mayhew group’s paperwork and pay for flights.
Please consider donating to the ongoing fundraiser. You do not need a PayPal account to donate, but you will need to provide an email address when you provide card details.
If there is anything you may be able to assist with, please email me - Karen
Oct 15, 2022 With literally hours to spare before eviction-day the UK NGO MAYHEW vets who fled Afghanistan to Pakistan have just enough funds to keep them housed for one more month – However this group is still far from safe. Housing costs are only paid up to 15 November. Additionally, the original, now closed fundraiser and associated media articles surrounding the earlier stages of Operation Magic Carpet contributed to putting their lives in further danger by releasing their identity. This group now have current, credible and imminent threats on their lives. Yesterday on 14.10.2022 the RCVS and the BVA released their own statements acknowledging their plight. The VET TIMES have also provided an update. Operation Magic Carpet Afghanistan will continue going forward and Paws Unite People have taken on the task of fundraising to keep them housed and pay for documentation, in addition to already supporting their own group from KSAR. They urgently need help with donations. Please support their fundraising. This is an immense task for a small charity and the need is great.
Oct 2, 2022 I’m urgently requesting fundraising help, potential donors and news/media promotional assistance - Any help, no matter how small will be gratefully accepted. Time is running out for the veterinarians and clinic staff evacuated on the Operation Magic Carpet Afghanistan mission. They are still currently in limbo in Pakistan awaiting processing.
The WTC G (World Trade Center Gibraltar) supported for 12-months of what could potentially be a total of a 24 month's processing timescale. The end date for funding by WTC G was Oct 4. Two day’s time... This has been now been extended to Oct 15.
Another 12 months of time is needed to clear this or this group face eviction and possible deportation back to Afghanistan.
Sept 3, 2022 Extra links have been added. Please take some time to view Meredith's message at PAWS UNITE PEOPLE and read Owen's news on PROJECT NOMAD - Meredith and Owen are keeping the message alive for the Afghan veterinarians and animal care staff with valid visas, or awaiting processing one year on after the western withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Mayhew veterinarian flees Afghanistan with his pet dog